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IFAS5 - Astronomy summer school - Spectroscopy & Spectrographs

16th August 2019 - 16th August 2019
Pune, India


The IFAS schools bring together students from different horizons, expose them to high-level specialized lectures, and propose them to carry-on a ten-days research project. The topic of the present IFAS5 school is astronomical spectroscopy, covering subjects from the observational and data-reduction techniques, through the source detection and extraction in integral-field spectroscopy using inverse methods data fusion approaches, to data analysis. The school is open to students at Master and Doctoral level, and early postdoctoral fellows, without geographic restrictions. These schools are co-organized by Lyon (LIO, CRAL CNRS UMR5574) and IUCAA, in the frame of a bi-lateral agreement between Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and IUCAA. A new session is held every year alternatively in India and France. The Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL) has been a pioneer in 3D Intergral field spectroscopy, and recently assembled the MUSE spectrograph now in operation at the ESO-s VLT. This is one of the largest and most advanced IFU spectrograph, and it opened the era of spectroscopic blind surveys, where, rather than targeting pre-selected sources, entire new classes of objects can be discovered out of deep fields. The Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics is a major actor of Indian astrnonomy and coordinates the activities of Universities throughout the countries, it caries on reasearch in all field of astronomy, including theory, observations, simulations, and instrumentations, and is involved in major national and international projects. Lectures will be given during the morning sessions, and research projects will be proposed to the participants, in small groups supported by a tutor. The school will be concluded by a presentation of the results of these projects. Up to 30 participants will be selected. The organizers may provide partial financial support on demand and justification (this may take the form of reduced registration fees and/or travel grants).

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